The Sam Coupe User's Guide di MEL CROUCHER edito da Lightning Source Uk Ltd
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The Sam Coupe User's Guide





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Descrizione The Sam Coupe User's Guide

The SAM Coupé was an 8-bit British home computer first released in late 1989. Designed to offer backwards compatibility with the ZX Spectrum, it was marketed as a logical upgrade for owners of the much-loved range of Sinclair machines. Originally manufactured by Miles Gordon Technology, the SAM Coupé promised a great deal. Sadly, however, it was not a financial success due to a lack of commercial software and tough competition from the faster 16-bit processors of its rivals. This 30th Anniversary Edition User's Guide features a new foreword from Mel Croucher, the original author. The manual is Illustrated throughout by Robin Evans, his memorable creation Sam the Robot always on hand to help users get the most out of their wonder machine. Offered as both a collector's piece and a valuable resource for lucky owners of a SAM Coupé today, we are excited to bring this slice of computing history back to life for the first time in thirty years.

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