Safe & Effective Tackling Methods di Mick Cutajar edito da Xlibris
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Safe & Effective Tackling Methods







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Descrizione Safe & Effective Tackling Methods

My program is simple and a must for developing player techniques in rolls, falls and take-down this has proven to not only increase power in defensive play but also to reduce the risk of injury. I have been throwing players on their back for 40 years at National and international level I have also played Rugby league so I know what is needed to achieve success on the field. My job is to re-educate players in their defensive techniques to minimise injury, slow the play down and most importantly winning the game. My methods of training athletes to use hip pivots, rolls, falls and use specialised take-downs has improved the defensive game & lifted it to new heights. This manual will provide a complete education and practical training for hit / stick / tackle in grappling the players to the ground. I will show you step by step via clear photos on how to complete the methods, followed by tips and benefits for its use in the game. After you have mastered the basic rolls and falls, I will suggest a simple but very practical warm up method.

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