Sacrifices for Patriotism: A Korean POW Remembers the Forgotten War di Helen Greene Leigh edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Sacrifices for Patriotism: A Korean POW Remembers the Forgotten War

A Korean POW Remembers the Forgotten War







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Descrizione Sacrifices for Patriotism: A Korean POW Remembers the Forgotten War

Sacrifices for Patriotism-A Korean POW Remembers the Forgotten War is a narrative nonfiction recollection of the thirty-seven months Pharis Greene spent in captivity during the Korean War. His story includes his childhood memories and continues to his life today. In Korea, Pharis experienced horrific events. He witnessed his new commander, Colonel Martin, being cut in half by a Russian tank after engaging in a street fight with only a bazooka to defend himself. Less than forty yards separated Pharis from his higher-ranking officer, Second Lieutenant Thornton, when a North Korean madman dubbed "The Tiger" shot him in the back of the head on the infamous Death March. On numerous occasions, Pharis feared his life was over, including the three times he stood in front of a firing squad. Some fellow POWs have been quoted in Remembered Prisoners of a Forgotten War by Lewis H. Carlson and In Mortal Combat by John Toland. In contrast, Pharis shares his personal experiences from the beginning to the end of the Korean War and recalls how he endured the challenges and miraculously survived.

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