Sacred Mysteries of Egypt di Laurie A. Baum Msw edito da iUniverse
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Sacred Mysteries of Egypt

An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom







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Descrizione Sacred Mysteries of Egypt

Do you wonder what you did in past lives? Do you think about your life's purpose? Do you wonder what talents you possess from past incarnations? Noted Astrologer Laurie A. Baum, MSW, answers these occult questions and many others in Sacred Mysteries of Egypt...An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom. Through insightful astrology readings, Laurie will explain why you are attracted to certain people, colors, shapes, numbers, days of the week, and seasons of the year. She also will show you how to harmonize the color of your aura with the color of your clothing, your office, your home, and your bedroom. Within the pages of Sacred Mysteries of Egypt, you will discover the relationship between astrology and the Sacred Mysteries of the Seven Rays of Color, the Chakras, Numerology, Kabbalah, Pyramids, the Moon, Mercury Retrograde and Eclipses. Meditate on the occult wisdom as taught in the Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt, and find out how these fascinating ancient phenomena influence you and your daily activities. Read Sacred Mysteries of Egypt, and increase your awareness of ancient wisdom today!

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