The Sa Generals and the Rise of Nazism di Bruce Campbell edito da University Press of Kentucky
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The Sa Generals and the Rise of Nazism





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"Based on archival research, Campbell's book offers unusual insight into the lives and careers of the founding fathers of the SA." - Choice; "Campbell's enlightening portrait of the SA, its history, and its relationship to the overall Nazi movement reveals how the organization's leaders reshaped the SA over time to adapt to Germany's changing political concern." - Bulletin of the Arnold and Leona Institute of Holocaust Research; "Author Bruce Campbell offers the first indepth study in English of men who held the three highest ranks in the SA - men who saw themselves as Germany's paramilitary saviors." - Library Lane; "Full of useful looks at some of the lesser known Nazi leaders, and provides some valuable insights into some obscurer corners of the history of the Nazi movement." - New York Military Affairs Symposium Newsletter"

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