Russian and Soviet Health Care from an International Perspective edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Russian and Soviet Health Care from an International Perspective

Comparing Professions, Practice And Gender, 1880-1960





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Descrizione Russian and Soviet Health Care from an International Perspective

This collection compares Russian and Soviet medical workers ¿ physicians, psychiatrists and nurses, and examines them within an international framework that challenges traditional Western conceptions of professionalism and professionalization through exploring how these ideas developed amongst medical workers in Russia and the Soviet Union. Ideology and everyday life are examined through analyses of medical practice while gender is assessed through the experience of women medical professionals and patients. Cross national and entangled history is explored through the prism of health care, with medical professionals crossing borders for a number of reasons: to promote the principles and advancements of science and medicine internationally; to serve altruistic purposes and support international health care initiatives; and to escape persecution. Chapters in this volume highlight the diversity of experiences of health care, but also draw attention to the shared concerns and issues that make science and medicine the subject of international discussion.

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