Rural Financial Institutions:Dynamics and Developmental Perspectives di Nseabasi S. Akpan edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Rural Financial Institutions:Dynamics and Developmental Perspectives

Dynamics And Developmental Perspectives





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Descrizione Rural Financial Institutions:Dynamics and Developmental Perspectives

This book assesses the dynamics and developmental implications of rural financial institutions in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.A wide range of methods was utilized to understand the various types, characteristics and developmental impacts of such institutions largely dominated by the informal sector.The result identified various types of rural financial institutions to include osusu, money lenders, rotating savings,savings and credit clubs,suppliers credit, staff and social welfare scheme and money keepers. Osusu was the most popular evidenced in the high patronage and supports and which was available as a means of mobilizing savings and financing a range of small scale businesses.Given the importance of such financial institutions, communities devised various forms of traditional and cultural means of managing risk and maintaining the integrity of such institutions.The overall developmental impact of such institutions was noted in the areas of improvement in small scale businesses with direct and indirect contribution to the well-being of members of the rural areas. The book argues for a synergistic relations and linkages of the informal financial institutions with the State.

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