Ruptoland di William Rodriguez Cruz edito da Lulu Publishing Services
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Descrizione Ruptoland

Heavy rain, fog, and wind covered most of the island, and a virulent pandemic flu was wiping out most of the population. Everybody?s sweat and body temperature would be tested, and anybody with cold symptoms would be quarantined, treated as a criminal and victimized. Weather permitting, they would be landing in about a half hour, eleven o?clock in the morning local time? Rod has just arrived on Ruptoland to visit an old friend, but nothing prepares him for the horrors humanity has wrought. By abusing the land with waste, oppression, and violence, civilization has been destroyed. The world is now characterized by poverty, rampant pollution, and a total disregard for people and for nature. During his stay, Rod visits different places in Ruptoland and witnesses the devastation. Occupants fight to survive due to human action?or inaction?in a darkened world where nothing is sacred. Yet hope descends as Rod realizes that people do have the power to change and bring healing.

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