Running A Small Business In The Pacific Region di Rex Kinder, David Burrowes edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Running A Small Business In The Pacific Region

Start A Business And Stay In Business





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Descrizione Running A Small Business In The Pacific Region

It is not easy to start a successful business these days and far too many fail in the first year of trading. The problem lies largely in the lack of accessible and good information available to small business owners. Running a Business in the Pacific Region offers simple step-by-step plans for starting and maintaining a small business as it grows. It takes you through all the stages, from how to decide if it's worth starting the business, financial planning and management, to the day-to-day running of a successful business. There is a wealth of information throughout the book for other kinds of readers as well. General management topics including; hiring employees, keeping bank accounts and avoiding scams, purchasing and using computers, business and the law, and ethics should be of interest to all kinds of managers.

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