Rumor of Evil di Gary Braver edito da OCEANVIEW PUB
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Rumor of Evil





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Descrizione Rumor of Evil

"A woman hanged herself - or did she? And how did the treehouse catch fire? Detectives Kirk Lucian and Mandy Wing are charged with investigating a reported suicide of a Cambridge woman in her backyard. The death came as a shock--the woman was considered a pillar of her community and was well-liked by everyone. After further investigation, the hanging appears staged. Once Kirk and Mandy's suspicions are confirmed, they make a list of suspects. Clues begin to connect the recent murder to the decades-old mysterious death of a beautiful 16-year-old Romany exchange student who perished when a treehouse she was sleeping in caught fire. The girl, Vadima Lupescu, had done "odd" things among her American peers that stirred up prejudices and suspicions, leading to her brutal death--and cover-up. As Kirk and Mandy investigate the bizarre rumors--that Vadima had "gypsy powers" and put curses on those around her--they discover a cauldron of dark secrets. Will they uncover the true cause of this tangled web of deaths and horrors before it spirals out of control?"--

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