Royal Exposé di Jenny Frame edito da BOLD STROKES BOOKS
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Royal Exposé





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Descrizione Royal Exposé

Poppy King wants to save the world, but if she can't do that, then she'll save her own little corner of it. The realities of a career in the fashion industry leave her disillusioned and, after years working with UNICEF to improve the working conditions of families exploited by the unethical garment industry, Poppy returns home to start her business degree and create her own ethical clothing brand. Undercover reporter Casey James has spent her career exposing the worst vices of humanity. After witnessing so much corruption, greed, and death, she's losing sight of who she truly is. When Casey is tasked with a royal exposé on the court of Denbourg, she only has one way in, the Crown Consort's sister, Poppy. Poppy meets Casey during her night classes and is instantly annoyed, distracted, and intrigued. When they're grouped together for a class assignment, Poppy's enthusiasm for life and love may just save Casey's soul. But will she ever forgive Casey for using her to expose royal secrets?

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