Rosie's Loves Torm Down Under! di Marly Minchin edito da Balboa Press
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Rosie's Loves Torm Down Under!


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Rosie's Loves Torm Down Under!

This story is filled with thrilling suspense and intrigue but sets the stage for a truly romantic tale. At the tender age of twenty years, Rosemary Kate Geddes moves to Queensland. She settles well into the Gold Coast lifestyle, where she meets, falls in love with, and marries Antonio Gervasii. Throughout their very lusty romantic relationship, the tale takes this poor girl from Liverpool, Sydney, to running wealthy corporations in swanky Surfers Paradise. She develops a strong passion for power, money, and control, and she gets it. She loses the love of her life, Tommy; their son; and her own good state of health. Although this book is fictionalized, it is based on some true life events; all the characters and names, however, are in no way connected to any living or deceased persons.

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