The Roots and Consequences of Civil Wars and Revolutions: Conflicts That Changed World History di Spencer Tucker edito da ABC CLIO
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The Roots and Consequences of Civil Wars and Revolutions: Conflicts That Changed World History

Conflicts That Changed World History







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Descrizione The Roots and Consequences of Civil Wars and Revolutions: Conflicts That Changed World History

This book treats 30 important civil wars and revolutions across the world, including Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East, covering a broad swath of recorded history from ancient times to the present. Human history as a whole results from social changes, technological advances, and evolutions in thinking and religion-all of which often lead to wars and conflicts. Behind each major war are myriad interrelated causes. This book examines 30 of the most significant civil wars and revolutions in recorded history, from ancient times to the modern era, identifying the origins, consequences, and subtle impacts of many of these conflicts that are still being felt today. A comprehensive overview essay as well as explanations of the causes and consequences of each conflict give readers the context needed to understand the importance of these seminal events. Additional learning tools include a detailed timeline that sets all of the key events in the conflict in the proper context, maps of several of the key battles that help readers visualize the strategies of both sides, and a lengthy bibliography that offers a wealth of options to students looking to investigate any of the conflicts further.

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