The Root Causes of International Terrorism di John K. Bengu edito da LAP Lambert Acad. Publ.
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The Root Causes of International Terrorism

A critical assessment on the root causes of international terrorism





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Descrizione The Root Causes of International Terrorism

The ¿terrorist attacks¿ on September 11, 2001 brought international repercussions unlike any previous attacks. The ¿Global War on Terrorism¿ was launched in response to these attacks. Nine years after the ¿GWOT¿ was lunched, the international community views the military approach as ineffective, as a war against Muslims and as a means for US dominance. The international community doubt the intentions of the US government and view the western media as insensitive to non-westerners; as the ¿GWOT¿ has had little impact on reducing international terrorism. In addressing the root causes of international ¿terrorism¿ we have to look at general issues such as oppression, military interventions, unresolved conflicts and authoritarian regimes supported by Western imprealist rather that only focusing on more immediate causes and circumstances that motivate and facilitate specific campaigns and acts of international terrorism.

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