The Rondine Method: A Relational Approach to Conflict edito da ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD
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The Rondine Method: A Relational Approach to Conflict

A Relational Approach To Conflict





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Descrizione The Rondine Method: A Relational Approach to Conflict

This book describes Rondine Cittadella della Pace and its unique residential peacebuilding program that works with young activists from some of the world's most dangerous conflict zones. Set in its own Tuscan village, Rondine invites students to its two-year long residential program that provides them with a master's degree, trauma healing, and training in peacebuilding. While at Rondine, students work in pairs representing "both sides" of a conflict and prepare projects that they will put into place when they return home. Half of the book is devoted to an in-depth description of the Rondine method by its founder, Franco Vaccari, while the remainder consists of essays providing the religious, psychological, and political context for this innovative psycho-social method of conflict resolution.

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