Ron's Story di Ron Doyle edito da
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Ron's Story






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Descrizione Ron's Story

A true and absorbing story of a boys adventure from a 5 yr old in 1930s wartime England to the lows of jumping ship in Fremantle and experiencing his 21st birthday in jail with hardened criminals; to the highs of life in Australia after becoming a free man. This is a heart warming and inspirational story of a man who understood how to take advantage of opportunities at every turn. Ron is a delight and a gentleman who could not quite fathom why the world was throwing so many challenges at him. The story is set in the 1950s until today and unfolds what life was like in the early days of Australian state-by-state migrations. Ron's Story is also a love story, one that follows the love that a man has always had for a supportive woman who never gave up on him - ever! To this day they are a spectacular couple who have collected a treasure trove of wisdom amidst a newly chaotic world. It may bring tears to your eyes. This is certainly a book that should be on everyone's "recommended reading" list.

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