Roman Law For Scots Law Students di ANDERSON CRAIG edito da Edinburgh University Press
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Roman Law For Scots Law Students





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Descrizione Roman Law For Scots Law Students

From property law to delict and unjustified enrichment, this textbook focuses on those areas of Roman law that have been most influential on Scots law. By using this book, students will enter practice with a greater depth of understanding of the roots of modern Scots law, helping them to feel confident in using Roman materials when tackling today's legal problems. Key Features - Gives a clear, general account of Roman private law: how it developed and how it was administered - Explains how Roman law influenced later law in Scotland and elsewhere - Assists readers in using Roman materials for modern legal problems - Includes chapter summaries and suggestions for further reading Supported with online resources - Sample essay and problem questions - Guidance on answering exam questions - Short biographies of selected leading Roman jurists - A glossary of commonly used Latin terms - A timeline of major events, from the founding of Rome to the reign of Justinian I Find them at Craig Anderson is Lecturer in Law at Robert Gordon University.

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