Roman Catholic Diocese of Zacatecoluca edito da Betascript Publishing

Roman Catholic Diocese of Zacatecoluca





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Descrizione Roman Catholic Diocese of Zacatecoluca

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Roman Catholic Diocese of Zacatecoluca (erected 5 May 1987) is a suffragan diocese of the Archdiocese of San Salvador. The Archdiocese of San Salvador is the chief ecclesiastical division of El Salvador, serving the Salvadoran capital, San Salvador, and surrounding region. The current archbishop of San Salvador is Msgr. Jose Luis Escobar Alas. His cathedra is located in the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Holy Savior (Catedral Metropolitana de San Salvador). What is currently the territory of the Republic of El Salvador previously belonged to the General Captaincy of Guatemala and, ecclesiastically, to the Archdiocese of Guatemala. Until 1842, there were four church regions in El Salvador, which reported to the San Salvador region, the most important one. These were: Santa Ana, Sonsonate, San Vicente and San Miguel.

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