The Rolling Coffin di M. M. Rihner edito da AuthorHouse
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The Rolling Coffin

Based on the Memories of D.J. Nick Martello







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Descrizione The Rolling Coffin

How many heroes do you think you've walked past today? Local New Orleans boy DJ Martello, within 3 months of deployment in the North African campaign of World War II, was captured and became a human part of world history. No one would have ever known , except his wife, of the violent night terrors, returning to the battle that plagued his years after returning home. On finding Nick's personally written memoirs, you can now step into his boots from the New Orleans Higgin's boat to the POW camps throughout Germany. From inside the gates, you feel the thoughts and see the traits that are part of an escaping generation. The hero is also reflected in the everyday actions of the man: at war, at home, a fireman, a policeman, and a father. The taste of purpose with a pinch of laughter touches how he relishes living in freedom and supports those warriors who continue to champion our ways of life today. Hopefully, after reading his thoughts and my memories, you will meet the heroes that surround you and the hero that you are.

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