The role of VEGF in oral lesions di Bhavana Gupta edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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The role of VEGF in oral lesions





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Descrizione The role of VEGF in oral lesions

Immunohistochemistry is the new age of diagnosis of diseases.Various IHC markers are used as a potential target related to disease specificity.These markers have a central role in tumor biology and will likely have an important role in future approaches designed to evaluate patient prognosis. They may also become an important target for cancer therapy.Amongst these markers are Endothelial markers which are well known for its role in ditecting not only angiogenesis but also disease progression.Some endothelial markers like VEGF, CD31,CD34 etc play an important role in diagnosis of various oral lesions.This book gives a brief light on role of these markers especially VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) in health and diseases especially related to oral cavity.The purpose of combining conventional cancer therapy with antiangiogenic agents is that the antivascular effects of the chemotherapy and radiotherapy are selectively enhanced in the cells of newly formed vessels. - Demonstration of expression of epithelial VEGF and sub-basal vascularization could be an additional aid for evaluation of the severity of potentially malignant.

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