The Role of a Community Chaplain in a Marginalised Urban Community di Noah O. Okiror edito da Partridge Singapore
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The Role of a Community Chaplain in a Marginalised Urban Community

Providing Holistic Pastoral Ministry To Pre-teens At Jane-finch Neighborhood





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Descrizione The Role of a Community Chaplain in a Marginalised Urban Community

This book presents findings of further research into the concept I started in my previous book: the importance of dying to self and its implications for outreach to unchurched children in isolated communities. It was centered on our Lord Jesus?s call for all to deny themselves in order to follow him. ?If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me? (Luke 9:23). God?s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). We have to lose in order to gain (Philippians 3:7?8), we have to lose ourselves in order to find ourselves (Matthew 10:39), we have to die in order to live (John 12:24), and if you want victory, you have to first surrender (watch the War Room movie). This book delves deeper into the practical aspects of reaching a specific demographic of unchurched children in Jane-Finch.

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