The Rock Star's Homecoming di Linda Gould edito da iUniverse
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The Rock Star's Homecoming







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Descrizione The Rock Star's Homecoming

Nestled in the Appalachian foothills, Glendary College is the epitome of a small-town college. Calm and studious on the surface, the mixture of jocks, religious fanatics, and hippies creates a powder keg just waiting to explode. The igniting spark comes in the form of the Sunburst, a homegrown rock-and-roll band whose members go out of their way to break campus rules. Finally, at a late-night concert, they go too far, and the band members are expelled. It's been two years since the band's departure, and the Sunburst has made it big in New York City. Due to Sunburst's phenomenal success, the college students rally to hear them play again. Soon a groundswell builds to woo the musicians back to campus to perform at Glendary's homecoming dance. Imogene plans to write her senior honors thesis on the Sunburst as a social phenomenon. Sara, the bandleader's sister, struggles to keep the musicians together while recovering from a broken affair-with one of the band members. And their roommate Emily, a drama major who is secretly dating her married faculty advisor, is determined to reveal all in a video chronicling the homecoming weekend. But this isn't any average homecoming. This is a rock star's homecoming-and the college is about to ignite once again.

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