Rock of Ages and Other Lives, Other Worlds di Henry T. Goldbach edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Rock of Ages and Other Lives, Other Worlds







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Descrizione Rock of Ages and Other Lives, Other Worlds

These stories are loosely based upon cosmological theories and possibilities that could have happened. "Rock of Ages" is based upon what may have happened eons ago if we had not advanced to the copper and iron ages. It is possible that intelligent species may have developed advanced technology based upon stone only. We today use some of that technology in our electronics (transistors, integrated circuits, etc.) which are based upon silicon base structures. Therefore, I believe that the technology presented in the story "Rock of Ages" could have happened. Maybe not on this planet but somewhere in nearby space. "Other Lives, Other Worlds" is loosely based upon the 'infinite universes' theories that are being looked into today. Maybe some advanced civilization, not necessarily in this universe has come upon a way to traverse between universes and produce the effects that are presented here. These stories are only a possibility and are probably improbable as far as we know today. Remember no one in Washington's or Adam's time would ever have dreamed about the communications and transportations or any of the other technological advances that we take for granted today. Who knows what will happen in the future if we can keep from destroying ourselves and the planet.

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