Rising Sun di Deana Sayakone edito da Balboa Press
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Rising Sun

Visionary of Hope


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Rising Sun

You're about to take an adventure from an Asian culture and its struggles to the land of opportunity in the United States! This book captures the emotions and ways of life of for a young Laotian girl as she follows her destiny to become a successful American woman after years of struggling and fighting for her life, surviving in refugee camps and awful, abusive relationships. See what life was like in the 1960s through the '80s in the communist country of Laos, and learn what it was like to experience the freedoms and responsibilities of America, an utterly different world. If you know struggles, then you can relate to the raw emotions that this book entails. • survival to the land of opportunity • smile at adversity no matter how hard it is • courage to stand up against abuse • newfound freedom and adventure • finding God and the man of my dreams! Read this book if you have ever asked, "Will life ever get better for me?"

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