The Rise of Entrepreneurial Parties in European Politics di Vít Hlousek, Petra Vodová, Lubomír Kopecek edito da Springer International Publishing
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The Rise of Entrepreneurial Parties in European Politics





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Descrizione The Rise of Entrepreneurial Parties in European Politics

Political parties run by entrepreneurs as a means to their own end are a recent phenomenon found in many countries, and their electoral influence has never been greater. This book offers a thorough comparative analysis of such ¿business-firm¿ and sometimes oddly memberless parties in Western and East-Central Europe, assessing the considerable corpus of literature on the growing band of political entrepreneurs. The book clearly separates such party enterprises from other, more traditional, political platforms as it contributes to our understanding of the potential of entrepreneurial parties. The authors offer a unique typology based on two characteristics: whether the party receives private financial, media or other investment; and the nature of its membership and territorial structure. Famous examples of entrepreneurial parties, including Silvio Berlusconi¿s Forza Italia and Geert Wilders¿s Party for Freedom, alongside their lesser-known counterparts, servein this book as valuable material for conceptual innovation and the investigation into why certain entrepreneurial party types succeed or fail.

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