Rhodope Morphotectonics and Seismic Hazard di Rosen Iliev, Tzanko Tzankov edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Rhodope Morphotectonics and Seismic Hazard





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Descrizione Rhodope Morphotectonics and Seismic Hazard

The Rhodope Mountains (¿ = 23.8° ¿ 26.3° E and ¿ = 40.8° ¿ 42.0° N) is the largest mountain system in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. The area of research is determined by the morphotectonics and structural-tectonics signs of the relief. As will be seen from the exposition and the appendixes to the text, the area in question is distinguished by ubiquitous morphostructural features of the same type that find a distinct expression in the topography. In this regard the main goal of this study is the morphotectonics analysis of regional conditions for the Late Quaternary endogenous risky processes, which is an attempt to build a general model of endogenous morphogenesis in the Rhodope Mountains. The study is based on prevailing today Plate tectonics model and also on geosynergy principle approach. Certain correlation studies have also been carried out on the prerequisites for the emergence of regional endogenous risk processes, expressed by the nature of the spread of earthquakes and the associated seismic hazard.

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