Reyes Malditos, Los (Paquete) di Maurice Druon edito da Ediciones B

Reyes Malditos, Los (Paquete)


Ediciones B





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Descrizione Reyes Malditos, Los (Paquete)

The accursed kings have captivated readers. The stories cover both pleasant reign of his time and the tragedies that made them fall. Kings cursed I. The King of iron, Los Reyes cursed II. Queen strangled, Los Reyes cursed III. The poisons of the crown, Los Reyes cursed IV. The Law of Men, The Curse V. Reyes The She-wolf of France, Los Reyes cursed VI. La Flor de Lis and the Lion, The Accursed Kings VII. How a king of France lost.

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