Revealing Truth di Frenica Angela Williams edito da Deborah Quick
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Revealing Truth

Providing Convincing Answers to "YOUR" Profound Questions





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Descrizione Revealing Truth

Are you an inquisitive individual? Do you have questions about God, the bible, your faith, baptism, church, backsliding and religion? Have you received answers regarding those questions truthfully; according to the bible? In Revealing Truth, Frenica sheds light on the difference between religion and Christianity and how readers can get to know God and appreciate the reality of the one true God. She captures many challenges hindering believers from having prayerful lives and faithful work with God. Each chapter carefully and concisely will expose you to the importance of personal fellowship with God and prayer, faith, and meditation on the Word of God. Readers will get a firsthand account of the Bible and learn how to develop a strong biblical foundation. Also, readers will learn about baptism and its importance to a believer's life.>The author has taken the lead in telling all who would open this book about the transforming power of God and the heritage of a believer. If it is your desire to receive answers pertaining to any of the above questions this book will provide you with the answers and also guide you on the correct path in restoring or building a firm foundation in God.

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