Return to Restoria di Sean Samu edito da iUniverse
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Return to Restoria

Book One of the Crystal Chronicles







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Descrizione Return to Restoria

In an alternate dimension, a single planet spins through the darkness. Restoria, once torn apart by bitter civil war, is quiet again. In ancient times, clans battled for land, power, and wealth-until a visitor from another dimension brought peace to the lands. Known as a human to some, he was a savior to most. But now, the threat of war has once again darkened the skies and dreams of the Restorians. They await the return of another human to save them from this new era of darkness. On Earth, five friends-Mark, Sarah, Tom, Lucy, and Jason-pass the time as the school year ends dreaming of their summer vacation. Unaware of the civil war brewing in another dimension, they have no idea that they will spend their break on a war-torn planet far away from their reality. But that's what fate has in store. Guided by Trifus, a wise tree spirit, the teens must find the courage to embrace their special powers before they face the dreaded witch Renalta, the cruel leader of Restoria, who has enslaved her people. In their journey, the teens must battle fierce ogres, escape powerful monsters, and find a way to prevail. Here, nothing is as it seems. In order to survive and return home, their only hope lies with finding the mysterious Crystal in time.

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