The Return of the Son of Eleventh Hour di Various edito da Markosia Enterprises Ltd
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The Return of the Son of Eleventh Hour





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Descrizione The Return of the Son of Eleventh Hour

Celebrating 10 Years Of Orang Utan Comics! It's Orang Utan Comics' tenth anniversary and we're having a party…and you're all invited! However, so are space pirates, dragons, Vikings, extra-humans, vampires, axe murdering cheerleaders, werewolves, Boadicca, more vampires, a super hero, outlaws, a gelatinous cube, a doom laden message from the future and a whole cast of weird and wonderful characters. It's going to be quite a party. The Return Of The Son Of Eleventh Hour features eighteen stories from the past, present and, quite possibly, the future of Orang Utan Comics. It all kicks off with a brand new prologue to The Intergalactic Adventures of Zakk Ridley and ends with a rarely seen Hero: 9 to 5 short. It's been ten years and OUC are still making comics for a strange new world.

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