Rethinking L1 Education in a Global Era edito da Springer International Publishing
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Rethinking L1 Education in a Global Era

Understanding the (Post-)National L1 Subjects in New and Difficult Times





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This book brings together a range of scholars from 10 different countries to address the contemporary state of play in national standard language education ¿ i.e. the L1 subjects. It seeks to understand the field from within a comparative-historical and transnational frame. Four thematic threads are woven through the volume: educationalisation; globalisation; pluriculturalism; and technologization. The chapters range over various aspects of L1 as a school subject: literature, language and literacy; reading and writing; media and digital technology; the dialogue between curriculum inquiry and Didaktik studies; the continuing relevance of Bildung; the significance of history and nation; and new challenges of culture and environment in the face of climate change. The book concludes with a reflection on the prospects for L1 education today and tomorrow, in a now thoroughly globalised context and, accordingly, deeply implicated in a necessary new project of nation re-building.

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