The Resurrection of Horror Comics in the 1960's and 1970's di Richard Hilliard edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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The Resurrection of Horror Comics in the 1960's and 1970's

An examination of the artists who brought illustrated horror back from the grave





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Descrizione The Resurrection of Horror Comics in the 1960's and 1970's

During the 1950¿s concerns arose about the growing trend of juvenile delinquency and its causes. Society found a scapegoat in the comic book, and while not completely destroyed, the medium would never fully recover from the events during that decade. Hardest hit during the purge was the horror comic, for all intents and purposes stricken from the marketplace by publishers bent on self-censorship. Fearful of governmental intrusion if they did not act, they instead overreacted, and buried all aspects of the genre. But like many conventions of the horror story, the genre refused to die, and arose less than a decade later, similar to a zombie or vampire, changed by the events of its death, now more malevolent and unstoppable. This manuscript examines the history of the horror comic¿s demise, and its rebirth at the hands of a group of determined and talented individuals. Through previously published articles, research and new interviews, the author hopes to tie together disparate events, and profile their architects to recount a rebellious time. A time when writers and illustrators sought avenues around issues of censorship and brought horror comics slithering back to life.

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