Rescuing Kenna di Pj Fiala edito da Rolling Thunder Publishing
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Rescuing Kenna





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Descrizione Rescuing Kenna

USAT author PJ Fiala, brings you the next generation of GHOST operatives set in the small-town of Glen Hollow, Kentucky, where a long-standing rivalry is brewing into an all out war, and love comes calling even in the worst of times. GHOST: Government Hidden Ops Specialty Team. They eliminate the threat when no one else can. He's a GHOST operative trying to keep the peace. She's a process server determined to do her job. Together they are caught up in a war neither will back down from. Spencer Lawson has observed the criminal behavior of the people of Hickory Hills Kentucky and knows they are dangerous. When the police chief walks into the GHOST compound with a battered and bruised Kenna Lawrence, Spencer's protective hackles raise. As he watches, Kenna's determination to do her job is admirable, but he knows she's in danger, even if the stubborn woman refuses heed his warnings. When Kenna comes to town and finds herself having to serve court documents to the leader of Hickory Hills, she learns quickly they want nothing to do with the US government. Not only that, they give her a small taste of what will happen if she ventures up their mountain again. With Kenna caught in a war between right and wrong, Spencer will do everything in his power to Rescue Kenna. *** USA Today bestselling author PJ Fiala brings you the GHOST Legacy series-heroes willing to sacrifice everything in service to their country, and for the men and women they love. A novel with no cliffhanger, no cheating, and a happily-ever-after guaranteed.

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