The Rescued di Marta Perry edito da BERKLEY BOOKS
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The Rescued





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Descrizione The Rescued

As an Amish wife and mother struggles to hold her family together, a story from the past teaches her how to face her daily challenges with strength and love in the second Keepers of the Promise novel.In modern day central Pennsylvania, Judith Wegler tries to heal the growing rift between her husband, Isaac, and his teenage brother Joseph-whom Judith and Isaac have raised as their own ever since both brothers lost their parents and siblings in a horrific fire. Meanwhile, Isaac's hurtful silence about this tragic past has robbed Judith of any certainty of her husband's love. But when Judith's grandmother gifts her with an antique study table, she discovers a hidden packet of letters that changes her life...In 1953, widow Mattie Lapp fights against the county's attempts to force Amish children to attend a consolidated public school, even if it means arrest and imprisonment. Mattie knows she can't face this challenge alone, and turns to her late husband's cousin Adam for help, but she's terrified at the prospect of relying on someone else. Now, as the two women's stories converge, both must learn to stand up for their beliefs and to love again, even when it means risking their hearts...

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