Rescue In Lockdown di Wylie Stephen Wylie edito da Lulu Press
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Rescue In Lockdown


Lulu Press





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Descrizione Rescue In Lockdown

When the world went mad and the whole country descended into lockdown. There were some who didn't understand what was happening. When the routine they'd grown to love disappeared along with the ones they'd learnt to trust, they had no idea why. With their entire future in doubt, their lives at stake as the whole world stood still, they still craved the care and attention of before. Rescue In Lockdown is the story of how a sanctuary for abused and neglected dogs in Northumberland called SHAK try their best to survive a devastating global pandemic. Following the days told by the charity's founder, Stephen Wylie, this book is a true account of running a rescue whilst the whole country is in Lockdown. It highlights the desperation for money and the need to adapt. The stress and worry coupled with an instinct to survive. The real story of the biggest threat to human civilisation which many of this generation have ever faced. Will the rescue make it through this, but more importantly will the dogs stay alive?

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