The Remembrance di Larry Roth edito da Page Publishing, Inc
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The Remembrance

Nathan's Memoir





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Descrizione The Remembrance

What if you had to live with a gift you neither sought nor wanted...forever? Dr. Nathan Egin dropped to the dirt floor of his bunk in the now-notorious Auschwitz death camp in 1943. Believing he has drawn his last breath, he is surprised to see a blue-tinted white light. He is informed by a voice that he must survive this camp in order to tell the world what has happened. He is told that people will believe him because he will be given the miraculous power to heal people of their afflictions. When the camp is liberated, Nathan attempts to continue his career as a surgeon. He finds his "gift" has made all the medical knowledge he had acquired throughout the years virtually useless, as a simple touch heals all. The novel takes us from World War II to well beyond the present day where Nathan struggles to deal with his power and attempts to find happiness in a difficult and rapidly changing world. The end of the book reveals an incredible plot twist and the true meaning of destiny.

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