Religious Politics Plaguing the 21st Century: Islam, Neo/Marxism, and the Vatican di Mike Morra edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Religious Politics Plaguing the 21st Century: Islam, Neo/Marxism, and the Vatican

Islam, Neo/Marxism, and the Vatican







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Descrizione Religious Politics Plaguing the 21st Century: Islam, Neo/Marxism, and the Vatican

This book is about evil. To assume that all heinous crime is committed by the mentally ill is a 20th century myth, not unlike the Medieval myth that alleged that sin causes physical disease. Most all heinous crime, as in the Tucson massacre, the Islamic bombings, and the urban murder rate, are caused by the "evil possessed," not the emotionally unstable. In the Biblical account, Mark 5:1-20, Jesus handled the issue of the "evil possessed," as compared and contrasted to the mentally ill. During the first half of the 20th century, 100 million, innocent men, women, and children were executed, slaughtered, and murdered en masse, by the godless leaderships of Euro/Asia. These dictators were atheists, not mentally deranged. By choice, they became obsessed with the forcefield of socio/political wickedness. Accordingly, the 21st century state of mind finds itself dealing with the immorality of the "lunacy of evil" as a spiritual reality, not rationalizing it away with 20th century's psychobabble of alleged, societal injustice.

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