Religious Myth Buster: Escape to Grace di Deon Stevens edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Religious Myth Buster: Escape to Grace





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Descrizione Religious Myth Buster: Escape to Grace

How is it that eager new believers turn into dreary religious zombies? What is the process that destroys a new believer's free spirit? Babes in Christ lose their individuality as they are pressed into the mould of religious conformity. Religion is a killer! If religion was a man, he ought to be strung up from the nearest tree.What is the solution? It is to accept that we are loved in our present less than perfect condition without having to make any promises to change. This is the greatest discovery that any believer can make. God would rather relate to weird and wonderful misfits and "characters" than to a whole army of terracotta soldiers.God's unconditional love enables us to regain our childish wonderment. Unless one has awoken to the unconditional nature of God's love for us, part of our souls remain unawakened.

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