The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification for theKorean Context di CHANGHYUNG YOO edito da VDM Verlag
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The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification for theKorean Context

The Critical Analysis of Calvin, Wesley and Barth onSanctification and Its Application to the Korean Context


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification for theKorean Context

This book contains the extensive analyses, critiques and outlines of Calvin, Wesley and Barth on Sanctification. They are chosen as the objects of this study because the three theologians are very influential to Korean Church. Their views on sanctification were critically analyzed and evaluated from a biblical and reformed perspective. Calvin has a balanced view between objective aspect and subjective on sanctification. Wesley has a biased view to subjective aspect. On the contrary, Barth has a biased to objective aspect. The author of this book established a reformed doctrine of sanctification through the critical analysis of the theologians on sanctification. And he analyzed the Korean society and church according to chronological order and suggested his reformed doctrine of sanctification as the adequate prescription for the problem. His wish is that this book helps the local churches find a proper principle of sanctification from a biblical and reformed perspective.

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