Reflective Thinking di Reverend Brian Branche edito da New Generation Publishing
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Reflective Thinking





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Descrizione Reflective Thinking

Most aspects of modern society seem to be ruled by a desire for everything to be bigger, better, greater, faster, leaving little room for reflection on what is really important in life. As we drive ourselves to achieve evermore, in some instances pushing our bodies and minds beyond breaking point, have we lost our way? This collection of thoughts and prayers, inspired by the author's love of the Bible and the messages therein, provides thought-provoking and comforting answers to age-old and modern-day conundrums; presented in bite-size chunks with something for everyone, this is a book to treasure for a minute or for an hour, in times of stress or times of contemplation, as an antidote or a source of inspiration. Whatever life throws at you, from inexplicable evil, murder, rape, mugging, terrorism, abuse and misery, to the triumphs of love, compassion, hope, charity, generosity and kindness, the power of the word, of prayer and belief, will help you overcome any obstacle and lead you to a deeper and richer understanding of both yourself and your place on earth. Take the telephone off the hook, close the door on all distractions, clear your mind and, just for a moment, allow yourself the time to reflect.

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