Reflections Of The Heart di DVM Alana Jenkins edito da
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Reflections Of The Heart






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Descrizione Reflections Of The Heart

Growing up, Alana Jenkins always knew she wanted to be a veterinarian like her father. Her intelligence and perseverance paved her way through her studies until she was accepted to Oklahoma State University of Veterinary College. Alana spent four years studying and experiencing many different, interesting cases until she graduated in May of 2009. After graduation, she spent a year interning at a small animal emergency hospital in Bowie, Maryland. She then moved to Spiro, Oklahoma to practice for another small animal hospital for a year before moving to Frisco, Texas. Full of wit and humor, this book is a compilation of journal entries, e-mails, postings and letters written to her family while Alana attended veterinary school, and it follows her through her first five years in practice. It holds interesting cases she assisted with, conversations with professors and other veterinarian colleagues, family moments, the adventures of Jinx and Xander, and personal struggles she had to overcome. 06 Sep 2007 "I am now completely a vet student. I conquered surgery today, even though it took me three hours to neuter half a dog and work with my partner through the other half. We double and triple checked our suture ties, and nothing was bleeding when we were done ... And tomorrow I actually get to enter the abdomen. And see real organs ... Bring on the spays"

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