Reflection of Selection di Jocelyne LeBlanc edito da Balboa Press
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Reflection of Selection


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Reflection of Selection

A life changing diagnosis for one woman brings a deeper understanding and sparks an investigative flair. Propelled to reflect, she learns to find meaning and truths. In this endless quest, not only does she uncover hidden clues along the way, she discovers steps that can easily be taken to ensure our best self is realized. Her observations of the neglectful mentality to health at all levels beckons each of us to empower ourselves, take a stance against failing establishments, to gradually claim health as a right for all. Simple tools and basic principles are presented to raise awareness to the whole that makes us humans. Information is provided to shed light on important issues, and the author dares to touch on subjects that most people dare not. Everything is brought forth in a witty informative format that not only invites reflection - offers solutions. Learn to identify the cues your body may be giving you; feel confident in your ability to heed its advice. An easy reference you will want to keep handy to track your nutritional numbers. A description of all vitamins and minerals is provided, along with lists of foods to help meet the daily requirements of each. Conscious choices bring amazing results for anyone.

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