Red Screen di Daniel Burke edito da ARTEMESIA PUB
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Red Screen





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Descrizione Red Screen

"No one really dies in the Metaverse or do they? It is the near future, and the virtual realities of the Metaverse are home to millions of hard-core game addicts called Meta Junkies. Shea Britton is one of them. The top player in a fantasy simulation game called the Land of Might and Magic, Shea' s character, Darshana, is on a quest to rid the Land of an evil player known only as The Gray Warrior. The problem is, The Gray Warrior is hunting too, and he' s not playing a game. He is killing in the real world. Shea is unaware of the danger she is in, and it is up to the FBI' s Behavioral Analysis Unit' s top profiler, Parker Reid, to stop the killer before he reaches her"--

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