Recreational Utilization   of the Fauna:  Transbaikalian National Park di Alexander Abalakov, Evgeniy Ovdin, Lyubov Novikova edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Recreational Utilization of the Fauna: Transbaikalian National Park

Transbaikalian National Park





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Descrizione Recreational Utilization of the Fauna: Transbaikalian National Park

Baikal is the world¿s largest and unique freshwater lake. Baikal¿s ecosystem is endowed with unprecedented biodiversity. Transbaikalian National Park is a representative tract on Baikal¿s shores. It is home to various species of animals and birds. They populate the landscapes of mountain tundras, alpine meadows, taiga, lakes, rivers, bogs and Baikal¿s islands. This book outlines the species composition of animals living within the Park. Ecological information is provided for the main species of interest to tourists. Thematic maps display the distribution of recreationally significant animal species, focusing on their utilization and protection. The book will be of interest to a broad readership: specialist geographers, biologists, ecologists, those working in nature reserves and national parks, tour operators and just to naturalists ¿ nature lovers.

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