Reconciliation of Worship in the Black Church di Charles E. Lewis Sr. edito da iUniverse
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Reconciliation of Worship in the Black Church

Spontaneous Worship







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Descrizione Reconciliation of Worship in the Black Church

One of the foundations of life in the black church is the proliferation of various worship practices and music. Reconciliation of Worship in the Black Church seeks to pave the way to the revitalization and restoration of faith celebration within the black church. There is a need to develop a practical theology of worship, incorporating the two main types used within the black church-traditional, devotional-style worship, with its focus on spontaneous praise and testimony; and contemporary praise and worship, with its emphasis on rehearsed liturgy. In recent years, the rich history of traditional, spontaneous worship of the black church has been challenged by the praise-and-worship movement. Charles Lewis's insightful look at his own denomination demonstrates the importance of clinging to traditional practices while giving due consideration to modern modes of worship. Lewis sees the issue not as a choice between two competing styles but as a challenge for the church to blend the styles without compromising genuine worship or alienating large segments of the church. Carefully researched and presented from the heart, Reconciliation of Worship in the Black Church hopes to contribute to a lasting unification of worship practices.

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