Reconciliation In Action di Sadie Naomi Findlater Williams edito da AuthorHouse
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Reconciliation In Action







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Descrizione Reconciliation In Action

"Reconciliation in Action" gives a synoptic view of her intense belief of sanctity toward humanity in her written thoughts on person-to-person interactions. Sadie Williams believes that the realities of the journey through life should be treated with the best possible commonsense attitude in order to maintain a well balanced focus toward a positive direction. She believes that individuals should accept accountability of their thought process that reflects behavioral conduct. Sadie believes that personal conduct is a state of mind that can revel itself in spoken words of harmonious, or contemptuous behavior. She refers to the thought process as being very individually unique within itself, therefore the individual needs to be first, "true to self", in order to accept reality as truth. Sadie applauds respect in dealing with issues of differences or indifference that relates to settling disputes: because there are always two sides to a story that needs to be heard and given its due rewards. Her idea is that it is good for the individual to have and maintain a peaceful mindset that is good for both the mind as well as physical well-being. "Reconciliation in Action" is a book packed with great food-for-thoughts-ideas that is designed to have a delightful impact on its readers.

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