Recession Marketing di Joseph Finora edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Recession Marketing







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Descrizione Recession Marketing

Can you market your way out of a recession? Yes you can! By reading this book, among other things, you'll learn how to tap into social media opportunities, how to get on television and into the newspapers, how to e-market and best of all how to keep your business percolating in even the toughest of times. What do we say in our offices? When the going gets tough, the tough start marketing! Is it a coincidence that some of the biggest companies in the world are also the non-stop marketers? Hardly. If you're a businessperson looking to get to that elusive next level, some of the information in this book may help you get there. It's Only a Recession, or Is It? What's All the 'Buzz' about Social Media? Breaking Through Barriers to 'Yes' and Why Price Can Be Irrelevant Is Your Office Crisis-Ready? Harnessing the Cult of Your Personality -- Don't Lose Your Ego, Use It The Greatest Risk of All - Nothing How to Meet the Press or 'I Want My CNBC!'

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