Recent Developments in Mathematical, Statistical and Computational Sciences edito da Springer International Publishing
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Recent Developments in Mathematical, Statistical and Computational Sciences

The V AMMCS International Conference, Waterloo, Canada, August 18¿23, 2019





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Descrizione Recent Developments in Mathematical, Statistical and Computational Sciences

This book constitutes an up-to-date account of principles, methods, and tools for mathematical and statistical modelling in a wide range of research fields, including medicine, health sciences, biology, environmental science, engineering, physics, chemistry, computation, finance, economics, and social sciences. It presents original solutions to real-world problems, emphasizes the coordinated development of theories and applications, and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among mathematicians, statisticians, and researchers in other disciplines. Based on a highly successful meeting, the International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science, AMMCS 2019, held from August 18 to 23, 2019, on the main campus of Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada, the contributions are the results of submissions from the conference participants. They provide readers with a broader view of the methods, ideas and tools used in mathematical, statistical andcomputational sciences.

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