Recent Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering: Select Proceedings of Icrdeee 2022 edito da SPRINGER NATURE
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Recent Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering: Select Proceedings of Icrdeee 2022

Select Proceedings of ICRDEEE 2022





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This book contains cutting-edge research content presented by researchers, engineers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry at the International Conference on Recent Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICRDEEE 2022). The materials in the book include theory and applications for different areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The topics covered include power systems and protection, energy, electric vehicles, smart grid, semiconductor technologies, electrical machines and drives, control systems with artificial intelligence, etc. The content is useful for researchers, professionals, and academicians in understanding current research trends, findings, and future scope of research in electrical and electronics engineering models.

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