Recent Advances in Operator Theory in Hilbert and Krein Spaces edito da Springer Basel AG
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Recent Advances in Operator Theory in Hilbert and Krein Spaces





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Descrizione Recent Advances in Operator Theory in Hilbert and Krein Spaces

The present book is a memorial volume devoted to Peter Jonas. It displays recent advances in modern operator theory in Hilbert and Krein spaces and contains a collection of original research papers written by many well-known specialists in this field. The papers contain new results for problems close to the area of research of Peter Jonas: Spectral and perturbation problems for operators in inner product spaces, generalized Nevanlinna functions and definitizable functions, scattering theory, extension theory for symmetric operators, fixed points, hyperbolic matrix polynomials, moment problems, indefinite spectral and Sturm-Liouville problems, and invariant subspace problems.

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